Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra (Sildenafil)

50 mg Tablets

Pack of 4 Tablets for £40.99
Pack of 8 Tablets for £70.99
Pack of 16 Tablets for £130.99
Pack of 32 Tablets for £250.99

100 mg Tablets

Pack of 4 Tablets for £50.99
Pack of 8 Tablets for £80.99
Pack of 16 Tablets for £150.99
Pack of 32 Tablets for £290.99

What Is Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection that is stable enough for sexual activity. According to estimates, one in ten men will experience ED at some point in their lives. It's critical to realize that ED typically represents an underlying issue that has to be addressed. At any age, ED is not considered normal and may be accompanied by additional issues that prevent sexual activity, such as a lack of desire and issues with orgasm and ejaculation.

Is erectile dysfunction a common problem?

One in ten male adults will experience ED on a long-term basis.

Many men do occasionally have trouble getting an erection, which can happen for a number of reasons, including excessive alcohol use, stress, marital issues, or simply being overly fatigued.

Less than 20% of the time not getting an erection is not rare and usually doesn't require therapy. However, the necessity for treatment is usually indicated when an erection is not achieved more than 50% of the time.

Ageing need not be associated with ED. Older men should still be able to get an erection and enjoy sexual activity, even though some may need more stimulation.

What causes erectile dysfunction (ED)?

ED can result from a variety of causes, such as:

Vascular disease: Vascular diseases like atherosclerosis can cause the blood flow to the penis to become restricted or constrained (hardening of the arteries).

Neurological conditions (like multiple sclerosis): Strokes, diabetes, and other conditions can affect the nerves that send signals to the penis.

Psychological conditions: These include anxiety about performing, tension, depression, and a lack of brain stimulation.

Trauma: An injury may make ED symptoms worse.

ED may also be brought on by chronic sickness, specific drugs, including a condition known as Peyronie's disease. Additionally, treatments for bladder, colon, and prostate cancer may have contributed.

How are erectile dysfunction and anxiety related?

For certain men, erectile dysfunction can coexist with depression (ED). Men with ED frequently experience emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, insecurity, or even feeling less "manly," which can result in low self-esteem and, in more severe situations, despair.

The associated depression with ED is curable. Being honest with yourself, your spouse, and your doctor is the first step in addressing your worries about ED-related depression. Coping with depression will be simpler and less demanding if it has been publicly acknowledged.

How Does ED Diagnosed?

For many patients, a physical examination and answering questions about their medical history are sufficient for a doctor to diagnose erectile dysfunction and suggest a course of treatment. You might require additional testing or a specialist appointment if you have ongoing medical conditions or if your doctor has suspicions about an underlying condition.

Tests to look for underlying problems could consist of:

Physical exam. This may entail carefully examining your penis and testicles as well as testing the sensation in your nerves.

Blood test. A lab may request a sample of your blood to examine for indications of diabetes, low testosterone, heart disease, and other illnesses.

Testing urine (urinalysis). Urine tests are used, like blood testing, to look for indicators of diabetes and other underlying medical disorders.

Ultrasound. Usually, a specialist will carry out this test at their office. It entails the use of a transducer, which is held over the blood arteries supplying the penis. It generates a video image so your doctor can observe if you have issues with blood flow.

This test is occasionally combined with a pharmaceutical injection into the penis to increase blood flow and cause an erection.

Psychological exam.   Your doctor can interview you to check for depression and other potential psychological factors that could be causing your erectile dysfunction.

How we treat?

Our doctor will check to see if you are receiving the proper care for any medical illnesses that could be contributing to or worsening your erectile dysfunction.

You may have a variety of therapy choices depending on the root cause, the degree of your erectile dysfunction, and any underlying medical concerns. Our doctor will take your preferences into account and can go over the advantages and hazards of each course of therapy. Your treatment decisions may also be influenced by your partner's preferences.

Oral medications

For many men, oral medicines are an effective erectile dysfunction treatment. They consist of:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra)
  • Tadalafil (Adcirca, Cialis)
  • Vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn)
  • Avanafil (Stendra)

The benefits of nitric oxide, a substance your body naturally makes and which relaxes penile muscles, are enhanced by all four drugs. As a result of the increased blood flow, you can respond to sexual stimulation by getting an erection.

There is no guarantee that taking one of these pills will result in an erection. Nitric oxide cannot be released from your penile nerves without first experiencing sexual stimulation. These drugs boost that signal, allowing some people to have normal penile function. Oral erectile dysfunction drugs are not aphrodisiacs, won't make you feel exciting, and are not necessary for guys who get regular erections.

The dosage, duration of action, and side effects of the drugs differ. Flushing, nasal congestion, headaches, and changes in vision, backaches, and upset stomach are all potential adverse effects.

The optimum prescription for your scenario will be chosen by our doctor after taking into account your unique circumstances. Your erectile dysfunction may not be resolved right away by these drugs. To determine the best drug and dose for you, you might need to speak with a physician.